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Let it Grow: The Rise of Natural Lawns

天然草坪,Michael Cunningham景观设计

As more homeowners opt for natural lawns, the days of high-maintenance, meticulously groomed lawns are fading. Tasks like mowing, weeding, 化学处理可能很耗时,并引发对传统草坪护理价值的质疑. 天然草坪的日益普及反映了景观美化朝着可持续性发展的更大趋势, biodiversity, and resilience, embracing the innate beauty of nature. Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design (MCLD) 展示了许多引人注目的自然草坪和环保景观, 突出其美学吸引力和生态效益.

Front Ridge

In Downeast Maine, 一个乡村山坡住宅作为一个灯塔,为破碎的本土植物群落的复兴和受损的基地系统的修复. 深思熟虑的土地管理策略促进了房主在恢复大面积修剪草坪方面的努力. 

Front Ridge, Matthew Cunningham, Natural Lawns

Front Ridge, Matthew Cunningham, Natural Lawns

Nestled within the terrain, 精心设计的空间提供令人惊叹的全景, 而新引入的植物群则划定了边界和入口. Along meticulously groomed pathways, 季节的辉煌展现在各种各样的原生草地, weaving a captivating tapestry of natural beauty.

Front Ridge, Matthew Cunningham, Natural Lawns

Herrick Woods

位于博克斯福德玛丽·赫里克森林的西部边缘, Massachusetts, 这两英亩的住宅物业的特点是一个宁静的森林成熟的橡树, maple, birch, and pine trees.


邻近的春天池塘和湿地与野生动物嗡嗡作响,丰富了景观的每一个角落. A subtle reshaping of the terrain, 伴以板形混凝土挡土墙, enhances scenic vistas of the surrounding woods. Native ferns blanket newly formed land contours, 而一个古老的田野石农场墙锚的财产的边缘.

赫里克·伍兹,自然草坪,马修·坎宁安精心定位,以保护雄伟的树冠树木, 新的游泳池和热水浴缸与露台和小径相辅相成,这些露台和小径由回收的花岗岩板制成. Colonies of native plants like serviceberry, bayberry, 而甜蕨则提供季节性的乐趣和圈地, 而固氮微三叶草草皮则减少了草坪的维护.


最少的灌溉和零化肥支持着蓬勃发展的生态系统, with wildlife sounds, including gray tree frogs and peepers, enhancing the forest ambiance. Balanced with nature, 这个林地的天堂邀请游客沉浸在它宁静的环境中.


Collaborators: Gardenform Landscape Construction, Custom Quality Pools, Stone Curators, Freshwater Stone and Brick, Select Horticulture, Harrison McPhee, Cicoria Tree, David Gross (natural sods), and Laura Broderick Fine Gardening

Folly Fields

波士顿的北岸以其历史悠久的马术庄园而闻名,这些庄园由郁郁葱葱的田野和标志性的田野石墙构成, 并在广阔的湿地中保留了乡村的魅力. 连接这些景观的是公共骑马道,将社区与自然联系起来.

Folly Fields, Natural Lawns, Matthew Cunningham

On this North Shore property, 这对马球爱好者在后农业时代的过度生长中设想了他们的梦想家园. Through meticulous planning, 一段四分之一英里的绿树成荫的车道,现在通往翻修过的农场建筑和一座新的木结构谷仓. 优雅的入口码头欢迎游客来到一个改变了的景观, 在那里,充满入侵的田地让位给私人马球场,周围是原生树木和传粉者的草地.

Folly Farms, Natural Lawns, Matthew Cunningham

Preserving mature trees, managing invasives, and enhancing woodland edges, 该物业反映了过去与现在的和谐融合. 热花岗岩露台提供宁静的户外空间,享有农场全景. 充满活力的花园蓬勃发展与经典的新英格兰植物群,而本地草皮稳定分级土地. Amidst the rhythmic gallop of horses, the property emerges as a timeless sanctuary, 体现了其传奇环境的精髓.

Folly Fields, Natural Lawns, Matthew Cunningham

(Collaborators: Albert, Righter & Tittman Architects, O’Neil Fine Builder, Holly Gagne Interior Design, Sculptured Earth Landscape Construction, Corliss Brothers, TM Landscaping, Select Horticulture)




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